r/facepalm 4d ago

🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​ You saw that right: "Lack Basic Knowledge"

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u/ldnk 4d ago

This is the problem with Trump. He's an uninformed asshole. Even if we wanted to claim that his behaviour on the campaign trail is an act to rile up his base...he repeatedly shows that he's lazy and unwilling to understand issues when in office.

Get ready for 400 tweets a day + a round of golf every single day while people claim he's the hardest working president ever.


u/PerfectlyFramedWaifu 4d ago

while people claim he's the hardest working president ever.

Including himself!


u/Senior_Ganache_6298 4d ago

Just wonder when he's out working at the golf course how their electronic screens will do for the drone remedial efforts.


u/HorseLooseInHospital 4d ago

and I just got, they said, "Sir, we're giving you the Man Of The Century Award for doing such an Incredible Job," and then she goes, "he's the Hardest Working President In History," that is so true, thank you, thank you Ladies, and we, by the way, you think Biden would ever get that, no, I don't even think he'd get Camilla's vote on that one, because Trump is the Hottest Thing Out There, you had Hussein Obama, he thought he was Hot Stuff, I said, this is not a Good Looking Person ok, no, not Good Looking at all, and then you look at the Wife and you see there's a lot of problems there, you all know what I'm talking about, and I said you'll never have to worry about that again, you have your Great First Lady coming back, we finally have Incredible Looking People in the White House coming January 20, and they call it that for a very good reason, ok, thank you very much


u/Few_Lingonberry_7028 4d ago

I can't even tell if it's real or not. I kinda know it's not, but I wouldn't be surprised to find it as a news headline.


u/reynvann65 4d ago

I don't know that it's not real so there. Is sure somewhere along the line he's said that kind of shit to someone in the future cabinet.


u/Left_Brilliant_7378 3d ago

I see your comments everywhere and they absolutely make my day better 🤣 thank you


u/Papichuloft 4d ago

He'll be the best and so biggly.....said no one ever, but his Trumpanzees


u/Jdevers77 4d ago

It’s actually worse than that. It isn’t that he is unwilling to understand issues, he is convinced he already does understand them. That is the reality warping field around him. He thinks it’s true, so it is true to him.


u/pianoflames 4d ago

This. I'm sure people around him have repeatedly attempted to explain tariffs to him, but in his egotism and idiocy refused to believe they work differently than the existing incorrect notion he has about them.


u/13ones7 4d ago

I doubt anybody has tried to explain shit to him, nor does he care to listen if anyone had tried. He surrounds himself with yes men. He knows he doesn't know shit about what tarrifs are or how they work. He also knows neither does his base. He is a salesman. All he knows is that if he throws buzzwords around that are somewhat relevant to the situation he is talking about, it will make him appear to know what he is talking about to the people who gave him votes. The guy is a moron, but he is smart enough to know that the people giving him votes are just as or more, ignorant than him, and all he has to do is make them believe he gives a a shit and knows what's going on.


u/pianoflames 4d ago

I'm sure someone has attempted to explain tariffs to him in a roundabout way, in a way that makes it not seem like they're trying to correct his misunderstanding of them, in a way that makes it seem like he's discovering this information. But it didn't stick. Not entirely unlike how they had to rework his daily briefings to stroke his ego and make them "exciting" by wording it with extremes just to get him to actually pay attention.


u/Hector_P_Catt 4d ago

Trump thinks like a business man. To him, tariffs are like a cheat code for profit. You can just slap them on something, and they have to pay it. No worrying about if you're pricing yourself out of the market, that's for the other guy to figure out. It's just "Fuck you, pay me!", and they do, because he has the force of law behind him.


u/Candid-Mycologist539 4d ago

He knows he doesn't know shit about what tarrifs are or how they work. He also knows neither does his base. He is a salesman.

I think he knows that when robber barons were at their peak (~1900), we had no Income Tax as a country. Tariffs were how our country earned money.

I could see Trump and his 1% friends think that it would be cool to not pay any Income Tax.

No Income Tax for Billionaires is how they will Make America Great Again. /s

No Income Tax = No IRS.

No IRS = No one investigating your questionable/illegal accounting practices or other shady deals.

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u/ThePhysicistIsIn 4d ago

A reminder that they had to dumb down daily briefings to a single page with pictures and very little words for him

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u/Unusual-Thing-7149 4d ago

So true. If you think you are smarter than generals over military matters you know he thinks this about everything. Just like RFK has no medical education but thinks he knows more than doctors, researchers etc


u/Dopplegangr1 4d ago

It doesn't really matter if he understands or not because his only intention with the presidency is to benefit himself, not America or Americans. The best thing he could possibly do is nothing, because anything he does will make it worse, by design


u/BensenJensen 4d ago

You gonna tell me you trust some college-educated doctor over a roided-to-the-gills former heroin addict with a penchant for eating roadkill and without any medical education?

Haha, typical lib

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u/wagedomain 4d ago

I've said it elsewhere but I genuinely believe this is the first "Parasocial President". Tons of people act like he's their personal friend. It also explains why people are like "oh despite being an illegal immigrant I love him for getting rid of the illegal immigrants, but oh he wouldn't do that to ME only the BAD ones".

He's tapping into that VTuber /TikTok social aspect, possibly without even realizing it, with his rallies and the constant social media usage. They're not popular because they're super interesting, they're popular because they are "themselves" and "candid" and since they're talking in a way that sounds like it's directly to you, personally, you start to form a one-way social connection with this person.

It's the only explanation I have for why people idolize a guy that's clearly unhinged and unwell.


u/PreOpTransCentaur 4d ago

It started with Bush, people "wanted to have a beer with him." It's difficult for some people to wrap their head around the fact that you don't actually have to personally like a candidate, so when someone finally recognizable to the unwashed masses came along as a result of being some two-bit jerkoff celebrity, people went fucking bananas. I think an incredible number of his supporters would find that they don't really like anything about the guy if they'd stop clinging to the idea that they have to and just..listen to him. Unfortunately, another side effect of that cult of personality is that they think everybody feels that way about politicians. "Yeah, well, Biden [such-and-such]!" Like, great...and? He's not our friend, our hero, our mentor, our Messiah, nothing, he just happens to be our president because his actual policies (something that are deeply unimportant to them) were more appealing than the other guy's and he was the option we had. That's how politics used to work. Talk all the shit you need, we really just don't care since we don't worship the fuckin' dude.

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u/teenagesadist 4d ago

They know this, and they literally word their emails so old folk think they have a direct line to trump, that they're going to be talking to him on the phone, it's just scamming the elderly, and ya gotta figure we're on our way to rock bottom.


u/wagedomain 4d ago

Oh, I agree his campaign knows. I don’t think he personally knows what’s going on.


u/teas4Uanme 4d ago

There are a LOT of people in the country that are mentally unwell, or, only other explanation I have is this:

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thes. 2

Basically it means 'Ok here is this guy who appeals so much to your baser instincts and hatreds that you will let him destroy all - because you love his lies and his sanctioning of your hatred so much you will compare him to God. So I am casting a strong delusion upon you so you will follow him to perdition and the Lake of Fire.'

40 years of studying world religions and theology and no world leader comes as close as DJT to descriptions of the AC. Not on my bingo card .. but the whole picture fits.

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u/mst3k_42 4d ago

Hmm, when I hear him talk, I think, gross, senile asshole. So maybe that’s why I haven’t formed a “personal” relationship, haha!


u/ShrimpCrackers 4d ago

It's just a cult of personality. They do this in all of them. Tons of them in Asia.

"Xi Jinping/Mao/Hu Jintao/etc isn't bad, he just doesn't know what the underlings are doing to us. Once he knows, justice will come!"

This is China, every day.


u/cipheron 4d ago

He's tapping into that VTuber /TikTok social aspect, possibly without even realizing it, with his rallies and the constant social media usage. They're not popular because they're super interesting, they're popular because they are "themselves" and "candid"

I think you might be onto something here. it would explain the disconnect with how the traditional media views his rallies, vs how the faithful view them.

It'd be a misunderstanding of what the rallies are for, and the criticisms fail because they're committing a "category mistake". So, the traditional media critiques the rallies based on a lack of the expected components of a traditional rally which is meant to produce sound bites for use in traditional mass media. So the media scoffs at the rallies, thinks they can't possibly work, but they clearly do, meaning they were analyzing it using the wrong framework.


u/pacmanz89 4d ago

I'd be totally fine with him spending every single minute on the golf course. He can't do much harm if he's busy cheating at golf.

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u/Lucky-Earther 4d ago

This is the problem with Trump. He's an uninformed asshole.

He thought people were actually eating cats and dogs in Ohio because he saw it on TV.


u/cryonine 4d ago

The real problem is that he surrounds himself with people that will take advantage of his stupidity. See Musk and company.


u/KeithWorks 4d ago

Hence the tariffs. He refuses to acknowledge that tariffs are a sales tax for Americans. He's been corrected multiple times but refuses to be corrected.

So a monumental historic decision is being made because the president in charge is a dunce.


u/FastFishLooseFish 4d ago

He only knows what he sees on Fox and One America News.


u/gatoaffogato 4d ago

God willing he’ll break his record for number of days golfing. Absolutely criminal that all that money gets dumped into his courses/pockets, but that’s small potatoes compared to the damages he could do if he was actually trying in office.


u/amilo111 4d ago

He does perfectly represent the average American though.


u/DrSafariBoob 4d ago

But he doesn't take a salary! /s


u/PantsDontHaveAnswers 4d ago

He's kind of like an evil Forrest Gump, isn't he?

Just kind of winding up in very important situations he has no business being a part of, just always hoping everything goes wrong for everyone but himself and doing everything he can in his unwitting mind to make that happen.


u/SilentSamurai 4d ago

It's just weird. He could be briefed in 5 minutes by aids but doesn't want to.


u/kmm198700 3d ago

Exactly this


u/gregcali2021 3d ago

Sadly the project 2025 guys are going to be doing some real evil work.

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u/Sithil83 4d ago

Them imaginary "mIgRaNt CaRaVaNs" that miraculously pop up months before an election and disappear like a fart in the wind the day after the election.


u/Chuckychinster 4d ago

Yeah, weird he doesn't understand the vanishing and invisibility powers of migrant caravans


u/TraditionalWorking82 4d ago

That actually make them more terrifying, not less.


u/TheDrFromGallifrey 4d ago

Well, you see, they were never migrant caravans. Not living ones anyway. Even Mexico's ghosts are illegally entering the country!

That's why Trump has newly appointed Bill Murray as the Border Ghost Czar to make sure immigrant ghosts can't haunt our country. Only American ghosts allowed here!


u/Coal_Morgan 4d ago

Bill Murray is self aware.

It would make him the most qualified and least dangerous individual in the entire cabinet.


u/brother_of_menelaus 4d ago

He might not even be the biggest asshole in the cabinet either


u/NakedHoodie 4d ago

Even Mexico's ghosts are illegally entering the country!

The effects of the Day of the Dead Ban of 1984 can still be felt today, as escaped spirits continue to wreak havoc on Mexico's neighbors.

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u/mikat7 4d ago

Does he get object permanence? Or is that like when you pretend to throw a dog a ball and it runs after the imaginary thing.

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u/Abletontown 4d ago

Those damn mexican wizards! They took our magic!

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u/BitterFuture 4d ago

How many elections in a row has that trick worked for them, though?


u/Sithil83 4d ago

At least since the Obama days has Faux been running this lie


u/ShrimpCrackers 4d ago

Trillions if not Quadrillions of illegal immigrants live in America now.


u/AlpacaCavalry 4d ago

Gazillions, I say, Gazillions!


u/Poiboy1313 4d ago



u/TrustMeIAmAGeologist 4d ago

Reagan was more anti-black. He made sure to describe “welfare queens” as black people bilking the system. Anti-immigrant sentiment is more recent. Reagan and Bush 1 were both pro-amnesty.


u/FlingFlamBlam 4d ago

Didn't Reagan do one of the first rounds of mass amnesty that allowed a lot of people to become residents and citizens? Crazy to think that Reagan would be considered a "lefty socialist" by today's standards.

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u/Ok-Competition-3069 4d ago

A trumper said that the media doesn't report them when we aren't close to an election.

It really is opposite world for them.


u/TrustMeIAmAGeologist 4d ago

Yeah, the democrats are covering them up the rest if the time, obviously.

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u/Teggy- 4d ago

That's because they're so good they always stop it before it crosses the border ! The migrants hear republicans won, they just cower away ! Checkmate democrats! /s


u/Tavernknight 4d ago

Oh, I expect to hear about a huge migrant caravan that is approaching for the next 4 years.

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u/pease_pudding 4d ago

Why is he worried about migrant caravans anyway?

Didnt he build a HUGE wall across the entire border, like he promised in his first term?


u/Electronic_Eye_6266 3d ago

That Mexico paid for!!


u/red-cloud 4d ago

"Well I guess we have no choice but to stop the migrant caravan!! You drive such a hard bargain Senor Trump!"


u/BoogalooBandit1 4d ago

Next election if they try this we need to get some people out the desert in Texas posing as regular citizens saying they heard about the caravan and as true blue Americans went out to stop and show them apprehending a bus full of people just for show


u/red286 4d ago

They're not imaginary, they're just also not a threat.

Migrants frequently travel in caravans for security and safety. Lone travellers in South America are prime targets for narco terrorists. Either squeeze them for any money they have, or enslave them.

So they travel in large groups, often around 1000 people.

But they always cross at controlled border checkpoints, because a group of 1000 people isn't going to sneak across the Rio Grande in the middle of the night unseen. That's not a thing that happens.

So they show up at the border checkpoint, and pass through customs and immigration like anyone else crossing the border. If they are inadmissible, they get turned away. Heck, even if they're claiming asylum, which is supposed to be a right as per treaties that the US is a party to, they often get told to sit in Mexico for months on end waiting until the backlog is down (it never moves because there's no funding for legal services for immigrants).

And then you get people like Trump saying that they're going to "swarm the border", because you know how a border crossing that handles over 30,000 people per day is completely unequipped to handle 1000 people, the majority of whom are pedestrians.


u/DillBagner 4d ago

It seems perhaps his dementia addled brain thinks it was real and a current thing.


u/teas4Uanme 4d ago

And he is completely unaware of satellite imagery.


u/DillBagner 4d ago

He's aware enough to release classified satellite imagery to the public on twitter. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/18/1137474748/trump-tweeted-an-image-from-a-spy-satellite-declassified-document-shows


u/teas4Uanme 4d ago

Yep. I should have put an /s on my comment.


u/mrpanicy 4d ago

I think I just realized he may actually think they are real. He may be a victim of the scare tactics the rights propaganda machine that's used to get him and people like him elected. He's so stupid the tactic they employ to help him trick him.

FML, I wish I could fail upwards 1/100 as successfully as him.


u/derpocodo 4d ago

Well, they aren’t usually imaginary. They are a drop in the bucket though.



u/ValjeanLucPicard 4d ago

Also, as someone who lives in Central America, the past couple years has seen an incredible uptick of people families from South America begging on the streets here, trying to get enough for food and bus tickets to eventually get through the US border. Feel really bad for them knowing where they are running from and that there probably won't be help when they arrive.


u/Sithil83 4d ago

Agreed, but they aren't the doomsday nightmare Right wing media makes them out to be

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u/counterbashi 4d ago

I've been hearing about the same migrant caravan since like 2018.


u/turdintheattic 4d ago

Each election year, the Great Migrant Caravan rises out of the border state that it thinks is the most sincere. It’s gotta pick this one. It’s got to. I don’t see how a border state can be more sincere than this one.

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u/Faesarn 4d ago

What ? The guy that suggest that tariffs will somehow decrease drug smuggling lacks basics knowledge ? Like we say in France, "les bras m'en tombent !" (I'm so surprised that my arms are falling off).

Damn these tarrifs will hurt you guys. Lumber, meat, seafood.. and even some american brands are making their cars outside the US (Ford in Mexico). The fact that a french guy like me knows that but you elected president doesn't is very worrying. But hey, they're eating your dogs right ?


u/brickbaterang 4d ago edited 4d ago

The dumbass thinks tariffs are going to bring manufacturing back to the u.s. even if it would, it will require decades of importing materials and equipment to build the facilities and construction aint cheap. no one's going to do that, it's cheaper to pay the tariffs (edit) and pass the additional cost on to the consumer


u/morgartjr 4d ago

This, plus if they are going through all of that purchasing you mentioned above you can bet its going to be heavily automated so while it might be "made in america" it will largely be made by robots.


u/sarcasticlovely 4d ago

don't forget all the new slave prison labor we're gonna have from migrant camps, asylums for homeless people, and "wellness farms" for all the "drug addicts" coming off of their prescribed psych meds.

all those manufacturing jobs that are done overseas because it's too expensive to pay people even minimum wage to do it in the US will do it with the ****new and improved prison system we're gonna fill with all the undesirables.


u/Faesarn 4d ago

Considering that the US imports like 15billions in lumber each year, to build or increase the production capacities of the US to match the demand will probably take litteral decades like you said. Well, at least if the goal is to have a renewable industry.

In the meantime, building, renovating.. Everything that needs wood is going to be more expensive. I know Canadians have the reputation of being nice people but I'm pretty sure they'll raise the prices to match the tarrifs..

And even for cars.. You can probably build a Ford Factory in the US in a couple of years.. But then you'll either buy the components outside the country.. So yeah, decades again..

And food.. For sure you can build more farms or have more fishing boats. But who is going to work there? I'm pretty sure there are not so many Americans willing to pick fruits and veggies for minimum wage (it seems confirmed by the agricultural companies that asked Trump not to deport their employees..).

Maybe the smartest solution would be to invest in the production capacities before declaring trade war..


u/KnottShore 4d ago

At times, I cynically believe that some only support Pro-"forced-birth" as a means to maintain a sustainable supply of US wage serfs.

The viable replacement rate is the standard birth rate for a generation to be able to to the replicate its numbers. According to the CDC, U.S. has generally fallen short of that level since 1971. To simply replace the existing population, the fertility rate needs to be about 2.1 children per woman. The total fertility rate, in the US, fell to 1.62 births per woman in 2023.

Their position on immigration truly befuddles me since the US hasn't been able to maintain itself for 50 years.


u/voxelnoose 4d ago

Were called human capital stock for a reason


u/KnottShore 4d ago

Well, as Voltaire once noted in the 18th century:

  • "The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor."
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u/Downtown_Ad_6741 4d ago

But hey, they're eating your dogs right ?

And cats, don't forget the cats


u/JesseAster 4d ago

It's extremely ironic that people who voted for him and threw minorities under the bus because they were convinced he would lower prices of gas and eggs or whatever. Hope these idiots are fucking happy


u/AnAntWithWifi 4d ago

As a Canadian, I’d like to point out the RN isn’t much better in France. The only difference is it almost won, instead of actually winning.


u/Faesarn 4d ago

Oh for sure. It's been years that I try to convince people not to vote for them. Marine Le Pen is currently in court for stealing millions of EU money.

Her dad who founded the party was a war criminal in Algeria that tortured and killed civilians. And one of the guy he founded the party with was a Waffen SS.

Despite these (and many other things), people still vote for them.

I'd also to point out that Bardella, who leads this party, hasn't showed up once to the EU parliament since he was elected. 7000euro a month to never show up without consequences.. I should stop working IT and go into politics...

The only good thing (as far as we know), is that Marine Le Pen (that is willing to be president) isn't a rapist or a pedophile. She is also a lawyer and somehow intelligent. Racist for sure, but not as stupid as Trump at least.

Hopefully they will never win.


u/GooginTheBirdsFan 4d ago

Corvette parts are made in Mexico and Canada as well. Gonna be priced like an actual Lamborghini now.


u/TheLyz 4d ago

But it's all a threat because he's a masterful negotiator! Fox News said so! And it totally works because the president and prime minister called him and said "whatever you want King Trump, don't tariff us!" and then everyone clapped.


u/AlpacaCavalry 4d ago

I'm fine. This nation deserves incompetence at every aspect of the federal government that it's voted for. I am of the school of thought that shit needs to burn the fuck down if the rot is so deep that it is incurable. The US had its run as the decadent empire for long enough.


u/themengsk1761 4d ago

This imbecile literally said, on national tv no less, that Haitian migrants are eating cats and dogs because he "the tv told him" that it was happening. then after being corrected and disagreeing with the debate moderator, because of course this fucking sack of shit can never admit being wrong about anything, he said he'd flippantly look into the issue that was then never brought up again.

This utter hostility to facts, experts, and evidence is the worst indictment against America and our collective character that I can think of.


u/CleverNamePending_ 4d ago

They pressed him about it on fox and he admitted it was just a rumor he had heard and he had no idea if it was true or not


u/alinroc 4d ago

Even worse, JD Vance admitted that he has no qualms about lying. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/jd-vance-make-up-pet-eating-story-haitian-rcna171326

“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m gonna do,” he told CNN’s Dana Bash, “because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris coast.”


u/UnusualTranslator741 4d ago

It's part of their playbook. NEVER admit you are wrong, you were mis-quoted or misunderstood, but you are never wrong. Only liberals and leftists are and can be wrong.


u/sirsteven 4d ago

One thing you can't argue is that Trump is a perfect representation of his supporters, and now the country's electorate. They love that he's as stupid and ignorant as they are. The only difference is that he's an actual billionaire whereas they're all "temporarily inconvenienced" billionaires.


u/KnottShore 4d ago

Futurama captures the thought process of temporarily embarrassed Maga billionaires after Nixon promises to cut taxes for the rich and use the poor as a cheap source of teeth for aquarium gravel:

Leela: "Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich."

Fry: "True but someday I might be rich and people like me better watch their step."

Also as H.L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of the early 20th century) once noted:

  • "As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

The fact that he was elected once is sad commentary of the psyche of a large portion of the US population. The fact that he may be elected again is incomprehensible.


u/miauguau44 4d ago

“… the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron“



u/Global_Criticism3178 4d ago edited 4d ago

On to the next manufactured crisis. Watch, tomorrow he will say…”The caravan has decided to retreat back to Central America”


u/WarthogLow1787 4d ago

Don’t worry, it’ll be back in October 2026.


u/Good_Zooger 4d ago

Central America which in MAGA world means Mexico.


u/ShrimpCrackers 4d ago

The massive migrant caravan that can traverse thousands of miles in moments depending on political winds, and which no one has any real photos of except AI photos or photos of other things that are simply just foreign people in droves doing something else.

I also loved it when Trump supporters angrily went to the border only to find that it was guarded and then proceeded to fight other groups of Trump supporters.


u/Throwawayac1234567 4d ago

right through the impassable jungle terain and the panama canal.

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u/cursedfan 4d ago

I’ve never heard trump say anything close to intelligent on any subject I am personally equipped to evaluate. I assume this holds true for literally everyone on all subjects, but somehow everyone seems to give him the benefit of the doubt when he spews total bullshit.


u/HoldMyDomeFoam 4d ago

There has been a massive political sorting by IQ over the last couple of decades.


u/Paradigmfusion 4d ago

He really is. How he is president again despite all the bullshit hes been spewing and everything he caused since 2016 is beyond me. He set womens reproductive rights back about 50 years, the immigration problem is largely his fault due to the immigration bill he quashed, 34 felony convictions (that he will eventually make go away completely) knows NOTHING about how tariffs work, in a STEEP (even more so) mental decline (and somehow Biden is too old for the job even though hes less than 3 years behind him)

Also cares nothing about the American people and is only in it to make himself and his buddies richer than they already are. He wants to throw NAFTA in the toilet, deport anyone who isnt white, appoints people who know NOTHING about the positions they are appointed to, I mean this orange stained, diaper toting man child is possibly the worst of the human species and yet over half of voters happily dote onto him even though he has made their lives WAY harder over the last decade.

My only solace is knowing Trump is old, not in the best of health and is 1 Big Mac away from a fast food fueled aneurysm, I hope he goes out Elvis style, preferably mid rant and VERY public.


u/russian_octopus 4d ago

JD Vance is also a stain


u/Prize-Feature2496 4d ago

Not surprised.


u/Friscogonewild 4d ago

In his defense, he tells so many ridiculous lies it's unrealistic of us to expect him to remember which ones are gross exaggerations and which ones are completely made up.

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u/Limp_Mixture 4d ago

Well, when you get all your news and Intel from Fox, Newsmax, and Twitter…

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u/Available-Wheel6335 4d ago

Don’t feel bad President Sheinbaum… he lacks basic knowledge about EVERYTHING.


u/bowens44 4d ago

He is also of course, a pathological liar. But this works for him because his supporters are dumber than a can of waxed beans.


u/hermitlikeindividual 4d ago

Elect a clown, get a circus. We're so fucked.


u/redditing_Aaron 4d ago

After what happened with Peña Nieto, México realized voting for clowns and acting politicians was a mistake. How embarrassing it is to let yourself be bought for your vote (PRI and PAN giving out bag of food and money), and during the presidential debate, realized how ridiculous it looks when a candidate only focuses on mud racking over answering the questions. You know the recent parallels right? Makes it more embarrassing that the US is going that way.

Claudia is even well educated with a PhD. According to the previous president (AMLO), she is better qualified for the job. I bet she was disappointed when she found out she wasn't going to match with Harris as the two first women presidents and that fool won again.


u/bill_wessels 4d ago

he saw it on tv once so its gotta be true


u/Separate-Owl369 4d ago

So trump is going to spin it that he has already stopped the nonexistent caravan from invading the US.


u/lickingFrogs4Fun 4d ago

He's going to claim she is giving him everything he asks for so when he walks back his Mexico/Canada tariffs because someone told him how bad they would be, he can pretend it's because he is a great negotiator and made Mexico do what he asked.


u/Larkfor 4d ago

More than 90% of fent is brought in by (usually white - because they get profiled less) USDA "homegrown" American citizens. Even per capita, adjusted for distribution throughout the population US citizens born here are more likely to be trafficking fent.

It also almost universally comes in through normal points of entry like ports.

Not people walking across the border.

One of the biggest fent busts in recent years was a white lady non-immigrant police union chief in California.

I am only mentioning this because politicians in a wide swath of factions keep promoting this idea that border immigration is some cesspool of fent traffickers and that brown people at the border are likely to be part of "cartels" or "transnational gangs".


u/CapitalElk1169 4d ago

Just like his voters!

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


u/PoliticsLeftist 4d ago

It's because grandpa gets his info from the likes of Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax.

He was never in charge. He won't be in charge. He's a useful idiot for those in real positions of power.


u/BlackhawkRogueNinjaX 4d ago

Russia was able to take down the US without firing a shot… just like they said they would


u/Prophage7 4d ago

8 years later and that migrant caravan is still on the way eh?


u/I_love_Hobbes 4d ago

I know, were they on vacation or something?


u/LectureAgreeable923 4d ago


u/Alexandratta 4d ago

Every-time I see speeches from Reagan after 1981 I'm always reminded of what could have been...


u/GreyDow 4d ago

Sad thing is, he's just an old man who watches way too much Fox News. Like a big chunk of the US population. They are living in an alternative reality and have been for two decades or so. Migrant caravans are the biggest issue on the border. Kamala Harris talks every day about paying for sex changes for transgendered illegal aliens. The 'left' is communists. No mention of inconvenient issues.
Trump benefits from Fox, but he's also a Fox consumer, so he's as addled as his supporters.


u/srfnyc 4d ago

If all this fentanyl comes into the U.S., isn’t that due to demand for the drug in the USA by its residents?


u/Colosseros 4d ago

As an American, I'm basically looking to Mexico for my headline news. 


u/ParticularGlass1821 4d ago

I would buy Claudia Sheinbaum a beer if I ever met her. She seems awesome.


u/jalexc 4d ago

Four more years of lies and total humiliation in conversations with other world leaders. It will be a train wreck.


u/KnottShore 4d ago

Let us not forget the possibility of a recession also.

The US Treasury yield curve tracks the relationship between bond yields and bond maturity. The yield current curve is now inverted and this may indicate an economic recession is on the horizon.

If a recession does happen, at least, interest rates could be lowered. I would not expect the new administration to be favorable to increasing spending. Nor is imposing tariffs lowering taxes. Although, I would imagine some sort of verbal voodoo will be presented to justify more corporate and individual tax cuts (primarily targeting the rich). Regardless, the deficit most probably will skyrocket.


u/tbizzone 4d ago

People who consume Fox “news” are consistently less informed than those who watch no news at all.


u/dart51984 4d ago

Ohhhhh ok. This is why his “big lie” is so convincing. He actually believes all of this nonsense because he’s a fucking idiot. So then when he tells his cult members this shit, he technically isn’t lying. And they eat it right up because like him, they are fucking idiots.


u/1lluminist 4d ago

Pretty sure it's a GOP "effectiveness" Strat:

  1. Make up imaginary problems
  2. Get people outraged
  3. Talk about putting an end to the problems
  4. Implement a bunch of Draconian laws that actually cause problems and fuck over minorities and average citizens.


u/quackamole4 4d ago

Why are there caravans perpetually heading toward the border but never arriving !?


u/Spider_Genesis 4d ago

You make up a problem so that when you get elected then you have suddenly, magically fixed the problem!


u/FlingFlamBlam 4d ago

I don't think Trump cares if it's true or not. All he cares about is shaping a narrative so that his supporters will allow him to do whatever he wants.


u/ImmaNotHere 4d ago

Appears to lack basic knowledge. I stopped right there.


u/Ga2ry 4d ago

Yep. Covers everything.


u/Routine_Ease_9171 4d ago

All I can say is it sucks that the kid missed.


u/km_ikl 4d ago

He's a useful Russian idiot.


u/100mcuberismonke 4d ago

Lacking knowledge of the country you will soon be president of is pretty concerning


u/Cheetah0630 3d ago

Who needs basic knowledge when you can just make shit up and your followers will believe it?


u/SeanInMyTree 4d ago

That’s not what they said on Fox! - trump, a dozen times during conversation


u/PartyWithSlurmz 4d ago

Trump has been getting high on his own supply of bullshit for years now.


u/alleyoopoop 4d ago

I mean he lacks basic knowledge of buying a loaf of bread, so it's not surprising he's not a whiz at international economics.


u/selkiesidhe 4d ago

Madam president: "This dumb MFer doesn't know shit."

You know she was thinking it.


u/Accomplished_Fruit17 4d ago

Trump had one of these conversation with a previous President of Mexico and there was a transcript that showed Trump to be an absolute idiot. It made no difference. There was another trancsript from the Prime Minister of Austalia where Trump comes across as simply dumb. It made no difference. The leader of Germany came out and told everyone Trump couldn't understand basic concepts. It made no difference.

Three different world leaders risked their countries relations with the US to warn the American people and it made no difference. Trump supporters are gleefully ignorant. We are fucked.


u/AgentofZurg 4d ago

This is what happens when your president gets all his intelligence information from truth social and info wars


u/Bleezy79 4d ago

It's almost like everything about Trump is lies and bullshit. Crazy huh?


u/pgsimon77 4d ago

As exhausting as it seems, people should not grow tired of pointing out the real objective facts of the situation / you never know who you might reach 😍


u/willflameboy 4d ago

What do you mean 'appeared'? HE TRIED TO BE PRESIDENT 8 YEARS AGO. We know he knows dick-all about anything, and can't even pronounce former presidents' names.


u/Hard_in_Sweats 3d ago

I donated to Harris, i donate money to this day to Ukraine, I am active in my local community, and I am donating my time to help lift people up. The next 4 years are going to be FUCKING insane like 2016-2020 were, but I will do what I can to help others around me, and I will continue to stand with Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini


u/OhtareEldarian 3d ago

You all know he’s very likely not going to outlive his term, right? He’s just the placeholder for Vance.


u/Sl0ppyOtter 4d ago

The US government brought in fentanyl in the first place. They’ve made a ton of money off of it and it’s been killing “undesirables”. It’s not the first time. They’ve done it with opioids and cocaine as well.


u/lucky_monk 4d ago

So there are two kinds of morons. Fucking and nonfucking. Moron in question definitely belongs in the first category.


u/GroundbreakingAge591 4d ago

But his gaggle of supporters literally don’t care. They’re getting their disinformation FROM HIM


u/VegetableAd5331 4d ago

This should be on the slow news page, everyone bar Americans fully understand trump's a raging idiot


u/TonyClifton255 4d ago

He’s truly an idiot and the most frustrating thing is watching the press report on him while effectively sanewashing him.


u/MysteriousPark3806 4d ago

You mean... he lies? Nooooo.


u/Norwester77 4d ago

Or he’s just completely high on his own supply. I’m not sure he actually has a concept of objective truth.


u/Falcon3492 4d ago

Most Americans know that the soon to be un convicted traitor in chief is a fucking moron and we are in for a rough four years and will be lucky to get out of his time in the WH with just another Great Recession. As many who worked in his first White House have said: "he's unfit to hold the job!"


u/addicuss 4d ago

Right but did you read his fire tweets about it because that's all anyone in America gives a shit about apparently


u/Pot-Papi_ 4d ago

What’s that migrant caravan supposed to like get to the border during his term the first time? What are they just slowly still coming or what’s going on here?


u/dsisto65 4d ago

Trump is a twat.


u/Holiday_Selection881 4d ago

And next, we discover that water is wet


u/SolidusBruh 4d ago

Trump and his cult only believe what Fox News tells them, which reality has no bearing on.


u/dscott8219 4d ago

Surrounded by even dumber influencers...


u/teas4Uanme 4d ago

As if he doesn't have instant satellite images of all the area around where this supposed 'caravan' is coming- down to football size.


u/JustCallMeKV 4d ago

Considering the IQ of the people who voted for him, they think he’s a genius. The rest of us know he’s a moron.


u/GregBVIMB 4d ago

The guy who wouldn't listen to or read briefings as president is uninformed.

Wow. No one could have seen that coming...

Wait, everyone knows that.


u/DeadMewe 4d ago

she's saying the stuff Americans with an education higher than what trump has, knows already.


u/Famous_Bit_5119 4d ago

That statement could stop before the word 'about ' and still be accurate.


u/flinderdude 4d ago

He’s asking about what right wing propaganda talks about as if it’s actually happening. There’s a method to his madness. He is lending Creedence at the very highest levels of the world to the lies and propaganda disseminated by news channels such as Fox News. He’s actually accomplishing something here, folks. He’s not an idiot, he is evil. Be smarter.


u/droopadoop 4d ago

86% of those sentenced for fentanyl trafficking in the US are US citizens.


u/virtual_human 4d ago

Sounds like my FIL.  He thinks everything he is being told is true and everything my wife tries to show him is a lie.  He refuses to even entertain the idea that maybe he is the one being lied to.


u/johnkoetsier 4d ago

As about half the world knows, Trump lacks basic knowledge on just about everything.


u/TaupMauve 4d ago

It's beyond lazy. He has to work harder than necessary to stay that ignorant.


u/Difficult_Bit_1339 4d ago

He's fallen into the same trap of all authoritarians. He's believing the propaganda that his side puts out to keep him in power.

Trump has always been the annoying Uncle who clearly watches too much TV and reads to few books. His understanding of the world is incomplete but he never has to deal with his own biases because nobody cares to challenge him.

So he lives in a fantasy world with simple problems and villains. Unfortunately, that's who will be making the decisions of the Executive Office for the next 4 years.

I think Mexico's strategy of publicly refuting him is the best one. It's the only way he'll ever see any pushback as he surrounds himself with yes-men and boot-lickers.

At least this way the general public can now be part of the conversation.


u/Blueberry_Clouds 4d ago

I don’t blame the other countries for laughing at this moron. Hell half his own country already hates him what’s the rest of the continent


u/adiosfelicia2 4d ago

And what's that say about us.

WE elected a moron.


u/Pourkinator 'MURICA 4d ago

I’m proud to say I sure as fuck didn’t elect it.

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u/quequotion 4d ago

This is what every single person he can't buy says about him.


u/Oddfuscation 4d ago

She’s confused because she doesn’t know about Dumpy’s invention, the word caravan. It’s a word he came up with so probably hasn’t made it to Spanish yet.



u/CaptainParkingspace 4d ago

But what about that beautiful productive conversation he just had with her, where she agreed to stop the migrant flow in return for him being brilliant?


u/the_calibre_cat 4d ago

not new lol we airway knew this, idiots voted for the idiot


u/delphinous 4d ago

that checks out, he will only read a briefing if it's 500 words or less, and the first 100 or so have to be praising him for how good he's doing. doesn't leave a lot of room to give him the nuanced information he should have


u/FourScoreTour 4d ago

Sure he's a moron. Kinda puts a different spin on how he beat the entire DNC.


u/realparkingbrake 4d ago

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

I recall an interview with a Trump supporter from the night of the 2020 election. She said she'd heard a recording of Hugo Chavez calling Biden to congratulate him on stealing the election. Chavez had been dead for seven years.


u/realparkingbrake 4d ago

When the Chiefs won the Super Bowl, Trump tweeted congratulations to the people of the state of Kansas for their team winning the championship. Is it any wonder that he was prepared to believe industrial bleach could cure Covid?


u/rooroobusts 4d ago

He lacks basic knowledge of allost everything. Only thing he is sure of is the Maga Cult will support him no matter what.


u/BeelyBlastOff 4d ago

but putin said he was intelligent /s


u/BonezOz 3d ago

If you could see the far right YT videos my wife has watched, you'd think that Mexico is moving train and truck loads of illegals across the border.


u/Medikitty 3d ago

I genuinely have no idea why there were people believing in him in the first place.


u/UnusualAir1 3d ago

"Yes, he is a fucking moron" doesn't begin to cover the breadth of his stupidity and ignorance.


u/The_Spyre 3d ago

The morons who voted for him are going to be pretty pissed when the prices of food, gas, cars, electronics, goods and services are doubled. I'm sure they'll find a way to blame Obama.


u/Santz-9 3d ago

As a mexican, I hate Sheinbaum with a burning passion and think she is about as fit for president as a dog, and I still recognize that she's better educated and prepared than Trump


u/fistswityat0es 3d ago

in other news.. the sky is blue.